2024 Finalist
Owner incentives and performance in healthcare: Private equity investment in nursing homes
The Review of Financial Studies
Atul Gupta, Sabrina Howell, Constantine Yannelis, and Abhinav Gupta
Article2024 Finalist
Is there a VA advantage? Evidence from dually eligible veterans
American Economic Review
David C. Chan, David Card, and Lowell Taylor
Article2024 Finalist
Do urgent care centers reduce Medicare spending?
Journal of Health Economics
Janet Currie, Anastasia Karpova, and Dan Zeltzer
Article2024 Finalist
Racial and ethnic disparities in health care use and access associated with the loss of Medicaid supplemental insurance eligibility above the federal poverty level
JAMA Internal Medicine
Eric T. Roberts, Youngmin Kwon, Alexandra G. Hames, J. Michael McWilliams, John Z. Ayanian, and Renuka Tipirneni
Article2024 Finalist
Private equity and healthcare firm behavior: Evidence from ambulatory surgery centers
Journal of Health Economics
Haizhen Lin, Elizabeth L. Munnich, Michael R. Richards, Christopher M. Whaley, and Xiaoxi Zhao
Article2023 Finalist
Trading Spaces: Medicare’s Regulatory Spillovers on Treatment Settings for Non-Medicare Patients
Journal of Health Economics
Michael Geruso and Michael R. Richards
Article2023 Finalist
A Satellite Account for Health in the United States
American Economic Review
David M. Cutler, Kaushik Ghosh, Kassandra Messer, Trivellore Raghunathan, Allison B. Rosen, Susan T. Stewart
Article2023 Finalist
Negative Patient Descriptors: Documenting Racial Bias in the Electronic Health Record
Health Affairs
Michael Sun, Tomasz Oliwa, Monica Peek, Elizabeth Tung
Article2023 Finalist
Association of Physician Management Companies and Private Equity Investment with Commercial Health Care Prices Paid to Anesthesia Practitioners
JAMA Internal Medicine
Ambar La Forgia, Amelia M. Bond, Robert Tyler Braun, Leah Z. Yao, Klaus Kjaer, Manyao Zhang, Lawrence P. Casalino
Article2023 Finalist
Drug Diffusion Through Peer Networks: The Influence of Industry Payments
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Leila Agha and Dan Zeltzer
Article2022 Finalist
Drug firms' payments and physicians' prescribing behavior in Medicare Part D
Journal of Public Economics
Carey C, Lieber E, Miller S.
May 20212022 Finalist
Docs with their eyes on the clock? The effect of time pressures on primary care productivity
Journal of Health Economics
Freedman S, Golberstein E, Huang T, Satin D, Smith L.
May 20212022 Finalist
Health insurance and mortality: Experimental evidence from taxpayer outreach
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Goldin J, Lurie I, McCubbin J.
January 20212022 Finalist
The long-run effects of childhood insurance coverage: Medicaid implementation, adult health, and labor market outcomes
American Economic Review
Goodman-Bacon A.
August 20212022 Finalist
Impacts of performance pay for hospitals: The readmissions reduction program
American Economic Review
Gupta A.
April 20212022 Finalist
Medicaid and mortality: New evidence from linked survey and administrative data
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Miller S, Johnson N, Wherry L.
January 20212022 Finalist
Medicaid coverage "cliff" increases expenses and decreases care for near-poor Medicare beneficiaries
Health Affairs
Roberts E, Glynn A, Cornelio N, Donohue J, Gellad W, McWilliams M, Sabik L.
April 20212021 Finalist
Surprise! Out-of-Network Billing for Emergency Care in the United States
Journal of Political Economy
Cooper Z, Scott Morton F and Shekita N.
September 20202021 Finalist
Reducing Readmissions by Addressing Social Determinants of Health
The American Journal of Health Economics
Evans W, Kroeger S, Munnich E, Ortuzar G and Wagner K.
September 2020 (preprint online)2021 Finalist
Health Care Hotspotting - A Randomized Controlled Trial
The New England Journal of Medicine
Finkelstein A, Zhou A, Taubman S and Doyle J.
January 20202021 Finalist
The Role of Decision Support Systems in Attenuating Racial Biases in Healthcare Delivery
Management Science
Ganju K, Atasoy H and McCullough J and Greenwood B.
July 20202021 Finalist
Long-term Impacts of Childhood Medicaid Expansions on Outcomes in Adulthood
Review of Economic Studies
Kowalski A, Brown D and Lurie I.
March 20202020 Finalist
Physician Beliefs and Patient Preferences: A New Look at Regional Variation in Health Care Spending
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,
Cutler D, Skinner J, Stern A and Wennberg D
February 20192020 Finalist
Defensive Medicine: Evidence from Military Immunity,
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Frakes M and Gruber J
August 2019.2020 Finalist
What do Workplace Wellness Programs Do? Evidence from the Illinois Workplace Wellness Study
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Jones D, Molitor D and Reif J
November 20192020 Finalist
Association Between the Implementation of a Population-Based Primary Care Payment System and Achievement of Quality Measures in Hawaii
Journal of American Medical Association
Navathe A, Emanuel E, Bond A, Linn K, Caldarella K, Troxel A, Zhu J, Yang L, Matloubieh S, Drye E, Bernheim S, Lee E, Mugiishi M, Endo K, Yoshimoto J, Yuen I, Okamura S, Stollar M, Tom J, Gold M and Volpp K
July 20192020 Finalist
Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to manage the health of populations
Obermeyer Z, Powers B, Vogeli C and Mullainathan S
October 20192020 Finalist
Effect of a Workplace Wellness Program on Employee Health and Economic Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Journal of the American Medical Association
Song Z and Baicker K.
April 20192019 Finalist
The Effect of Hospital Acquisitions of Physician Practices on Pricing and Spending
Journal of Health Economics
Capps C, Dranove D and Ody C
May 20182019 Finalist
The Price Ain’t Right? Hospital Prices and Health Spending on the Privately Insured
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Cooper Z, Craig SV, Gaynor M and Van Reenen J
September 20182019 Finalist
The Consequences of Health Care Privatization: Evidence from Medicare Advantage Exits
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Duggan M, Gruber J and Vabson B
February 20182019 Finalist
Robust Machine Learning Variable Importance Analyses of Medical Conditions for Health Care Spending
Health Services Research
Rose S
May 20182019 Finalist
Effect of Peer Comparison Letters for High-Volume Primary Care Prescribers of Quetiapine in Older and Disabled Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA Psychiatry
Sacarny A, Barnett ML, Le J, Tetkoski F, Yokum D and Agrawal S
October 20182018 Finalist
Choose to Lose: Health Plan Choices from a Menu with Dominated Options
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Bhargava S, Lowenstein G, and Sydnor J
August 20172018 Finalist
What Does a Deductible Do? The Impact of Cost-Sharing on Health Care Prices, Quantities and Spending Dynamics
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Brot-Goldberg ZC, Chandra A, Handel BR and Kolstad JT
August 20172018 Finalist
Technological Change and Risk Adjustment: Benefit Design Incentives in Medicare Part D
AEJ: Economic Policy
Carey CM
February 20172018 Finalist
When Discounts Raise Costs: The Effect of Copay Coupons on Generic Utilization
AEJ: Economic Policy
Dafny L, Ody C, and Schmitt M
May 20172018 Finalist
Premium Subsidies, the Mandate, and Medicaid Expansion: Coverage Effects of the Affordable Care Act
Journal of Health Economics
Frean M, Gruber J, and Sommers BD
May 20172018 Finalist
Oregon's Medicaid Reform and Transition to Global Budgets Were Associated with Reductions in Expenditures
Health Affairs
McConnell KJ, Renfro S, Lindrooth RC, Cohen DJ, Wallace NT, and Chernew ME
March 20172017 Finalist
The Determinants of Productivity in Medical Testing: Intensity and Allocation of Care
American Economic Review
Abaluck J, Agha L, Kabrhel C, Raja A, and Venkatesh A
December 20162017 Finalist
How Product Standardization Affects Choice: Evidence from the Massachusetts Health Insurance Exchange
Journal of Health Economics
Ericson KMM and Starc A
December 20162017 Finalist
Sources of Geographic Variation in Health Care: Evidence from Patient Migration
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Finkelstein A, Gentzkow M, and Williams H
November 20162017 Finalist
Tradeoffs in the Design of Health Plan Payment Systems: Fit, Power and Balance
Journal of Health Economics
Geruso M and McGuire TG
May 20162017 Finalist
Early Performance of Accountable Care Organizations in Medicare
The New England Journal of Medicine
McWilliams JM, Hatfield LA, Chernew ME, Landon BE, and Schwartz AL
June 20162017 Finalist
Framing Financial Incentives to Increase Physical Activity Among Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Annals of Internal Medicine
Patel MS, Asch DA, Rosin R, Small DS, Bellamy SL, Heuer J, et al
March 20162016 Finalist
Effect of Financial Incentives to Physicians, Patients, or Both on Lipid Levels: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Journal of the American Medical Association
Asch DA, Troxel AB, Stewart WF, Sequist TD, Jones JB, Hirsch AMG, et al
November 20152016 Finalist
Regulatory Redistribution in the Market for Health Insurance
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Clemens J
April 20152016 Finalist
Measuring Returns to Hospital Care: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns
Journal of Political Economy
Doyle JJ, Graves JA, Gruber J, and Kleiner SA
February 20152016 Finalist
Adverse Selection and an Individual Mandate: When Theory Meets Practice
American Economic Review
Hackmann MB, Kolstad JT, and Kowalski AE
March 20152016 Finalist
Paying Attention or Paying Too Much in Medicare Part D
American Economic Review
Ketcham JD, Lucarelli C, and Powers CA
January 20152015 Finalist
The Effect of Medicaid Premiums on Enrollment: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Journal of Health Economics
Laura Dague
May 20142015 Finalist
Hospital Choices, Hospital Prices and Financial Incentives to Physicians
American Economic Review
Kate Ho, Ariel Pakes
December 20142015 Finalist
Changes in Patients’ Experiences in Medicare Accountable Care Organizations
The New England Journal of Medicine
J. Michael McWilliams, Bruce E. Landon, Michael E. Chernew, Alan M. Zaslavsky
October 20142015 Finalist
Changes in Mortality After Massachusetts Health Care Reform
Annals of Internal Medicine
Benjamin D. Sommers, Sharon K. Long, Katherine Baicker
May 20142015 Finalist
Association Between Availability of Health Service Prices and Payments for These Services
The Journal of the American Medical Association
Christopher Whaley, Jennifer Schneider Chafen, Sophie Pinkard, Gabriella Kellerman, Dena Bravata, Robert Kocher, Neeraj Sood
October 20142014 Finalist
The Oregon Experiment—Effects of Medicaid on Clinical Outcomes
The New England Journal of Medicine
Katherine Baicker, Sarah L. Taubman, Heidi L. Allen, Mira Bernstein, Jonathan H. Gruber, Joseph P. Newhouse, Eric C. Schneider, Bill J. Wright, Alan M. Zaslavsky, Amy N. Finkelstein
May 20132014 Finalist
Information and Quality When Motivation Is Intrinsic: Evidence from Surgeon Report Cards
American Economic Review
Jonathan T. Kolstad
December 20132014 Finalist
Integrating Risk Adjustment and Enrollee Premiums in Health Plan Payment
Journal of Health Economics
Thomas G. McGuire, Jacob Glazer, Joseph P. Newhouse, Sharon-Lise Normand, Julie Shi, Anna D. Sinaiko, Samuel H. Zuvekas
December 20132014 Finalist
Increases In Consumer Cost Sharing Redirect Patient Volumes And Reduce Hospital Prices For Orthopedic Surgery
Health Affairs
James C. Robinson, Timothy T. Brown
August 20132014 Finalist
Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: Evidence from the Human Genome
Journal of Political Economy
Heidi L. Williams
February 20132013 Finalist
Pricing and Welfare in Health Plan Choice
American Economic Review
M. Kate Bundorf, Jonathan Levin, Neale Mahoney
December 20122013 Finalist
Spending Differences Associated with the Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration
Journal of the American Medical Association
Carrie H. Colla, David E. Wennberg, Ellen Meara, Jonathan S. Skinner, Daniel Gottlieb, Valerie A. Lewis, Christopher M. Snyder, Elliott S. Fisher
September 20122013 Finalist
The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from the First Year
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Amy Finkelstein, Sarah Taubman, Bill Wright, Mira Bernstein, Jonathan Gruber, Joseph P. Newhouse, Heidi Allen, Katherine Baicker, Oregon Health Study Group
August 20122013 Finalist
The CMS Auction: Experimental Studies of a Median-Bid Procurement Auction with Non-Binding Bids
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Brian Merlob, Charles R. Plott, Yuanjun Zhang
April 20122012 Finalist
After Midnight: A Regression Discontinuity Design in Length of Postpartum Hospital Stays
American Economic Journal, Economic Policy
Douglas Almond, Joseph Doyle
August 20112012 Finalist
Results of the Medicare Health Support Disease-Management Pilot Program
New England Journal of Medicine
Nancy McCall, Jerry Cromwell
November 20112012 Finalist
Health Care Spending and Quality in Year 1 of the Alternative Quality Contract
New England Journal of Medicine
Zirui Song, Dana Gelb Safran, Bruce Landon, Yulei He, Randall Ellis, Robert Mechanic, Matthew Day, Michael Chernew
September 20112011 Finalist
Patient Cost-Sharing and Hospitalization Offsets in the Elderly
American Economic Review
Amitabh Chandra, Jonathan Gruber, Robin McKnight
March 20102011 Finalist
The Effect of Financial Incentives on Hospitals That Serve Poor Patients
Annals of Internal Medicine
Ashish Jha, E. John Orav, Arnold Epstein
September 20102011 Finalist
An economic evaluation of the war on cancer
Journal of Health Economics
Darius Lakdawalla, Eric Sun, Anupam Jena, Carolina Reyes, Dana Goldman, Tomas Philipson
May 20102011 Finalist
Regional Variations in Diagnostic Practices
New England Journal of Medicine
Yunjie Song, Jonathan Skinner, Julie Bynum, Jason Sutherland, John Wennberg, Elliott Fisher
July 2010