Data-Driven Storytelling Award

The NIHCM Foundation Data-Driven Storytelling Award recognizes excellence in data-driven, online reporting on emerging issues in health and health care that relies on elements such as strong graphics, charts, and/or interactive images to tell a story.

Application Information

The application window for the 11th Annual Data-Driven Storytelling Award will open in early 2025. Please contact Mikayla Thompson at mthompson[at] with any questions.

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10th Annual Data-Driven Storytelling Award Process

(formerly Digital Media Award)


A $20,000 prize will be presented to the winner.

Have questions about our Data-Driven Storytelling Award?

Award FAQ


  • Entries must originally have been published in 2023.
  • Entry is limited to articles featuring data-driven content that is central to the story. It may include video, graphics and/or multimedia. If data-driven content is not central to your story, please view the eligibility criteria for our Investigative and General Reporting.
  • Entries must examine issues related to health or the health care system.
  • Entries that express policy preferences will be considered only if supported with a citation of empirical evidence.
  • Entries will be accepted from news websites, newspapers or journals, and news websites associated with universities or other organizations.


  • Deadline: January 31, 2024.
  • Entry is free
  • Limit two entries per entrant
  • An entry can be a series of posts as long as the posts are: linked by topic or produced by the same author or by a collaborative team of authors
  • An entry can be a series of posts as long as the posts are linked by topic and the articles can be recognized as a series.

Selection Criteria

  • Influential in terms of: 1. sparking policy change, 2. broadly informing the public, and/or 3. stimulating conversation on timely issues
  • Effective use of the unique powers and attributes of data-driven media
  • The data-based content should be the focus of the story and the central storytelling tool.
  • Logical, clear, and insightful analysis
  • Uses credible evidence to substantiate ideas


Julia Belluz

Former Senior Health Correspondent,

Aaron Carroll

President & CEO of Academy Health, Regenstrief Foundation Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine

Christopher J. Conover

Retired health policy faculty, Duke University; contributor, The Apothecary, Forbes

Michael Millenson

President, Health Quality Advisors LLC; Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University; contributor, Forbes & The Health Care Blog, Pulitzer Prize-nominated reporter for the Chicago Tribune and blogger

Sabriya Rice

Southern Bureau Chief, KFF Health News

Meredith White

Former Senior Editor, Newsweek; Former Senior Producer and Executive Producer, ABC News; Former Deputy Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle